Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Water Issues

Sometimes we just aren't aware of the importance of clean water in our world today. Below is a short bit of information that is worth thinking on.

Global water crisis claims more lives per year than war or natural disastersNearly a billion people -- that’s one out of seven people in our world today -- lack access to clean, safe water. Unclean water causes millions of people, especially young children, to die from water-related illnesses each year. Learn how ELCA youth can make a difference through the 100 Wells Challenge at https://community.elca.org/page.redir?target=http://www.elca.org/100wells&srcid=6783&srctid=1&erid=1451161&trid=7aa5d135-e4c4-477c-96d6-7423f87f2801.

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