Friday, November 9, 2018

Principles Part One

One of the best ways to grow in humility is to let others help you. It is amazing how hard this is for us as a people. We have been taught to be self starters and self made men or women who pull themselves up by their bootstraps when things get tough. Jesus's death on the cross contradicts this false notion since we know that if we could do it on our own we wouldn't have needed him to die for us. Grace can only be received by the humble because the proud think they somehow deserve or are worthy of the gift given to them. 

We are called to be humble (Philippians 2) and one of the best ways is to simply say yes when someone offers to help. This means the we don't try to repay the gift because that makes it something we have bartered for. I encourage you to find small ways to say yes to help because growth in humility will help you grow closer to Jesus. 


Sis said...

It's good to hear from you beloved little brother. God has given you and now is the time for you to share it with the world.
Please keep the life lessons of living with Jesus coming.
Yours in Christ,
Sis :)

mamaheidiw said...

Great point!!