These are inspired by Mark 5:21-43
Jesus, we don’t want to be of one of the crowd who sees you but doesn’t touch you. Help us to step out of comfort zone and touch you. Let our touch be a life giving touch like the suffering woman in the gospel. We desperately need the change only you can bring.
Leader: Gracious Lord Jesus,
Men: You are the hope for our lost and broken world. We look to you for healing and hope. We know that life is found in you and so we trust you with our lives.
Women: You said that we, Messiah Lutheran Church, are your body in the world. You said that we are light in the darkness. Heal any divisions within our congregation. Bring any bickering or petty fighting to an end so that we can better live out our calling to be a light to the Auburn communities.
Men: Your world is torn and broken. People are starving. Murder is too common. Exploitation of the weak and powerless runs unchecked. Change us so that we are not part of the problem. Make us part of the solution. Let it be known that in Christ there is freedom, love and justice.
Women: Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for joy. Thank you for this congregation. Thank you for love. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Leader: We ask from you for your grace, care and love for those we name out loud or in the silence of our hearts……
Leader: Into you we entrust these prayers because we love you and trust you. Amen.
As we give you this financial offering let it be a symbol of our whole lives given to you. Multiply these gifts for you glory. Use this money and our lives to bring the good news of Jesus to our community.
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